Each Night We Drift
Each night we drift Heat-shimmer the wind could blow away Half nightmare, half dream Put us back in a sentence or a story of the world The heat of history our voices draw us into There’s a silence here I want to scratch away Silence ready to break into small birds of sound Starlings gather in branches when we cannot sleep When we cannot sleep starlings descend from the dark Dark beats until the room is night and sheen The flickers offer only a syllable Our mouths are full of birds The cradle of song either empty or aflame Neither history nor a promise of rain A song like breaking glass Somewhere there is a name for this Someone could write it down Whatever finally falls, falls quietly All the innumerable wings Wings arranged like the hands of the dead Later the song will break Creel of starlight and moon, pearl, beak, pebble, bone A room of song behind us, echo that will fill the night
Note: “Each Night We Drift” is a cento based on lines from Jake Adam York’s poetry